Got lost into my way of finding the path … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

We all have this question in our minds .. what is the meaning of life?! How can i find the main path i should follow in life?!
How can i ... not to waste my destiny?!
I know a very rich guy, with a huge company that is thinking about retirement.
Asked him what he is going to do ... and his vision is to ride his expensive bike into the road of the mountains, close to his house.
I was amazed of the answear ... and did not liked it. I expected a different one.
If i would be rich enough, i would spend my days into a luxury coffee shop ... writing stories from my phone.
The funny thing is that i can do this even now ... not beeing needed to retire.
Same with my rich friend ... probably.
After spending years meditating at the meaning of life, trying to define the path you should follow you will conclude that there is no special path ... there is no specific way to follow.
The best place from the world, where you should be ... is exactlly the place you are right now and the best path to follow is the path you are following now.
If you could take a spaceship and go just outside the earth, you would understand that the concept of left and right or in front and behind ... are just illusory.
The same for meaning and path of life.
There is no right or left direction to follow.
Just walk through life enjoying the fact that you are alive.
The Universe know better than you to define where to send your soul.



Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love storieswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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